A blog containing few deep reflections, occasional rants, quizzes etc. Basically Random musings ;)

Friday, 4 May 2007

Quiz - II

  1. In Tennis, what is known as “Double Bagel”?
  2. Name the only team to have participated in all the F1 races.(Sitter)
  3. Which films had the following taglines:
    Collide with Destiny.
    The guy next door just became the man upstairs
  4. Which Fevicol commercial won the Cannes Silver Lion in 2002?
  5. Name the creator of the Calvin & Hobbes comic strip characters?(Another sitter)
  6. Where is the headquarters of Bata Shoes?
  7. After acquisition of Sahara, Jet will brand it as a separate airline as a value carrier. what is going to be the new brand name?
  8. Where and in which year did India's first metro run?
  9. What was CII(Confederation of Indian Industry) earlier known as?
  10. What is the name of the dog in HMV logo?

For answers, click on comments.

1 comment:

Himanshu Shah said...

1. Winning 6-0, 6-0
2. Ferrari
3. Titanic, Bruce Almighty
4. The bus commercial. (If u still cannot recollect : http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1428903163031598171&hl=en)
5. Bill Watterson
6. Switzerland
7. Jet Lite
8. Kolkata, 1984
9. Confederation of Engineering Industry
10. Nipper

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